Amazon Account Audit

You are sure you've implemented all the changes on your listings to increase

sales on Amazon, but the turnover is still not satisfactory?

Make an appointment for an account audit with Gonito and we will point out what else

should be done to increase the number of orders!

Amazon requires specific demands from sellers not only in terms of product quality, but also in terms of customer service. Taking care of the statistics and ongoing analysis of the results allows you to fully exploit Amazon’s potential. Schedule an audit of your account with Gonito, make use of our long-standing experience in the e-commerce industry and increase the number of orders on the Amazon!

How does an Amazon account audit go?

It is up to you to decide how the Amazon account audit is conducted. You can choose whether the auditor connects to you via remote desktop or conducts the analysis by tapping into your account.

During an account audit, exactly 112 aspects are analysed in depth, including AH statistics, account settings, listing quality, advertising and pricing policy.

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What do you gain from the audit?

We carry out 3 types of account audits – decide which one you need and find out what you can gain!

  • Comprehensive account audit – you will receive precise recommendations on how to improve the health of your account. We’ll show you how to secure sales and improve your branding, resulting in increased sales.
  • PPC audit – involves analysing the levels of indicators, i.e. ACOS, TACOS and ROAS. The advertising specialist will give you specific suggestions for your advertising budget and show you how to effectively manage your Amazon ADS campaigns.
  • Listings audit – tips for building listings and optimising content to improve the visibility of your listings.

How does an account audit go step-by-step?

  1. Needs identification
  2. Determination of changes over the last months
  3. Mapping the current situation
  4. Indication of corrective action/li>
  5. Setting priorities

By choosing to audit your account with Gonito you will gain the know-how,

a roadmap to help you reach new

customers and increase sales on Amazon.

Want to improve your turnover on Amazon? Fill in the contact form and get an account audit.

Get in touch!